Ep.31 - How WORDS, Language & Breath affect our LIVES, overall HEALTH & Wellbeing.
EPISODE 31 with Mark England @ The Enlifted Method.
The Enlifted Method expands on the concepts of positive attitude and growth mindset by distilling big ideas into a simple process that gets you implementing new ways of thinking immediately.
It focuses on the dynamic combination of the words we use, the stories we tell ourselves, and how we breathe.
We map our understanding of the world with our words. Choosing the wrong words to build a thought or a feeling can lead to confusion and conflict. The Enlifted Method begins with an understanding of how simple word choice can make massive impact on how we think and feel.
We all have stories about our lives. Relationship stories, money stories, health and fitness stories. The Enlifted Method looks at many of these “first drafts” and aims to craft richer, more productive ways to interpret our lives.
The way we breathe when we experience certain thoughts can tell us a lot about our feelings around the subject. Opening up the breath allows us to process old ideas about ourselves and the world around us. The Enlifted Method utilizes breathing mechanics to help interrupt thought patterns and create relaxed states conducive for growth.
About Mark England:
Mark is the co-founder and head coach of Enlifted. He has been researching, presenting and coaching for the past sixteen years. In this time he has:
- Conducted over 5000+ one on one coaching sessions
- Led over 750+ workshops
- Appeared on over 350+ podcasts
- Featured in 2x documentaries
- Produced 3x online training courses
- Presented 1x TEDx Talk
- Personally Certified over 350+ Enlifted Coaches
The Enlifted Method:
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